Skin Peels

CosMedix Corrective Skin Peels

Why apply harsh damaging chemicals to your skin if a soothing, collagen-stimulating therapy is radily available and proven to enchance your skin’s appearance? While traditional chemical peels destroy healthy tissue to achieve their results, the innovative, non-traumatic peels by Cosmedix stimulate healthy change in the skin to create a beautiful, renewed complexion with minimal downtime.

Using only the purest, non-irritating ingredients CosMedix peels are safe enough to be repeated as needed to address conditions such as:

  • Acne
  • Sun Damage
  • Stretch Marks
  • Blotchy Pigmentation
  • Ageing Skin
  • Wrinkles
Skin Peels

Cosmedix Today’s peels

Blueberry Smoothie™ (Dead Skin Exfoliant)

Blueberry Extracts, Blue Corn Meal, Polyethylene Beads, L-Lactic Acid 10%

Love the way your skin looks and feels. A delicious (good enough to eat) and refreshing Blueberry Smoothie™ scrub invigorates the skin with the use of gentle acid, and active blueberry extracts exfoliate your skin to restore a youthful glow without visible irritation. This light chemical peel is also an exceptional acne and blemish treatment that evens out oily/ problem skin.

Benefit Peel™ (Brightening, Tightening Skin Fix)

Fruite Enzymes, L-Ascorbic Acid 20%, L-Retinol A 10%, Salicylic Acid 1%, Shea Butter, Essential Oils, pH 3.0

The best all-round peel available for hypersensitive, ageing skin . The Benefit Peel is gentle enough for rosacea patients.This peel transforms dull, lifeless skin into an instant glow. This is a potent antioxidant peel which contains a rich blend of nourishing and stimulating ingredients. After the treatment you will feel an instant tightening and your skin will also be brightened. The Benefit Peel™ is an ideal treatment for sun damage on non-facial areas including the décolletage. It is designed to nourish and gently stimulate collagen production without excessive peeling.

Blueberry Jessner’s

Salicylic Acid 16%, L-Lactic Acid 16%, Blueberry Extracts, pH 2.7

Jessner’s have been a long-time favourite of aestheticians. Unfortunately, it can be overly traumatic. CosMedix added blueberry extracts to reduce any associated inflammation. This is a very effective peel for drying acne and as a pre-peel treatment for our series of non-traumatic peels. It is designed to clarify adult blemish prone skin and reduce the look of fine lines with less down time and discomfort than traditional peels.

Pomegranate Peel™ (Dehydrated Skin Fix)

Pommegranate seed oil, L-Lactic Acid 10%, Papain, Epigallocate Chin Gallate, Reseratrol, Astaxanthin, pH 2.5

A therapeutic, antioxidant peel specially designed for epidermal leveling. Lavish your skin with antioxidants and prevent free radial damage. This peels works to even out the top layers of the skin and mildly stimulate collagen while potent antioxidants prvent free radical damage.

Purity Peel™ (Acne Skin Fix)

L-Retinol A 10%, Salicylic Acid 4.74%, L-TCA 4.25%, L-Lactic Acid 4.25%, L-Mandelic Acid 3%, Zinc, L-Limonene,
pH 2.9

This intense formulation is designed to penetrate excess oil which will correct skin conditions such as acne and enlarged pores. The unique blend of acids in Purity Peel™ clears the skin of blemishes and heals acne lesions, reduces inflammation and exfoliates the skin to reveal a glowing, dewy complexion. The Purity Peel will exfoliate damaged epidermis and sooth acne. It will stimulate collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans while reducing acne lesions and rejuvenating the epidermis.

Cosmedix Tomorrow’s peels

Timeless Peel™ (Anti-Ageing Skin Fix)

L-Retinol A 30%, L-Lactic Acid 20%, pH 2.8

Timeless peel is our best peel to dramatically reduce the visible signs of ageing.

The “gold standard” in chemical peels and the ultimate skin fix. The Timeless™ peel will treat and resolve all signs of premature ageing; uneven skin tone, lines and wrinkles and improve skin texture. The Timeless Peel firms, smoothes premature lines and reduces wrinkles. CosMedix Timeless Peel™ contains 30% chirally corrected L-Retinol A to generate immense activity in the skin. This enormously effective deep peel works to restore the growth of healthy, young skin cells, increases cell turnover and removes layers of dead skin. The Timeless Peel™ also increases your skin’s moisture level to give you and age defying, smooth textured complexion. The Timeless Peel is designed to maximize keratinocyte turnover and the production of collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans by stimulating the RAR (retinoic acid receptors) on the fibroblasts. It is much more effective when the skin is prepped to increase the number of fibroblasts available.

Body Lift Peel

A concentrated, exfoliating body peel specifically developed to treat skin conditions of the body. This all-over peel will firm, tighten, brighten and soften, targeting a host of unsightly body concerns from blemishes, discoloration and sun damage to mild dimpling, sagging and scarring.

Deep Sea Peel™ (Skin Regeneration)

Herbs, Sea Minerals, Shea Butter, Essential Oils, L-Lactic Acid 0.5%, pH 3.5

CosMedix Deep Sea Peel™ relies on the healing power of the ocean to generate collagen and stimulate deeper changes in the skin.

Using a blend of sear herbs and exfoliating beads, this unique non-acid peel can generate light to medium-depth results for photodamaged and acne-scarred skin. It may also be used on pregnant and lactating clients. It is designed to penetrate into the superficial dermis stimulating collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans.

Timeless Peel and Deep Sea Peel are treatments which can be administered after a minimum of two week prep using the Intermediate Skin Kit (Prep/Condition).

Your Seven Day Post-Peel Forecast

What to expect after a Tomorrow’s Peel:

Day 1:
Skin may appear pink and feel tight. You may also experience mild swelling.

Day 2:
Tightness and swelling start to subside. You may notice slight flaking around the nose and mouth as dead skin starts to slough away.

Day 3:
You should experience less tightening and more flaking as dead skin continues to slough off, particularly while cleansing.

Day 4:
Continue cleansing to hasten the removal of dead skin.

Day 5:
Most heavy peeling should be over. Your skin care professional may recommend a mild exfoliating mask like CosMedix’s Pure Enzymes to remove any remaining dead skin.

Day 6:
By now, you should notice a clearer, smoother looking complexion with little to no flaking.

Day 7:
Enjoy your renewed complexion.

What is a peel?

“Peels” include a wide range of exfoliating procedures that produce a post-procedure peeling effect on the skin.” While their contents and intensity may vary, the ultimate goal of any peel is the removal of the skin’s outer layer of primarily dead cells and the stimulation of collagen and elastin to tighten and firm the healthy layer beneath. When performed properly, this procedure can effectively diminish the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, blemishes and more with little to no trauma to healthy skin cells.

The key to a successful treatment lies in the peel’s contents. Using natural, chirally correct ingredients—ingredients filtered in their most elemental form to contain only the purest, skin-safe molecules—CosMedix peels work with the skin to prompt the renewal process. “With CosMedix peels, there really is no true peeling, but a mild sloughing of the skin.” This process—known as metabolic peeling—achieves dramatic results without the irritation and consequent recovery time of a true chemical peel.

Is a peel right for me?

Practically any adult can benefit from a peel. Whether you’re looking to correct a specific skin concern, defy your age or simply refresh your complexion, a CosMedix peel can be customized to fit your needs. Before you schedule an appointment, Eliza will assess your skin to see which peel is right for you. By identifying certain key traits—such as skin density and natural hydration she can better determine the appropriate peel type, depth and duration for your skin.

“Peels can vary in intensity, from very superficial like Pomegranate Peel, to deep epidermal exfoliation like that of Purity Peel or a traditional Jessner’s peel, to a mid-depth dermal peel like Timeless Peel or a traditional TCA peel,” explains McIntosh the co-founder of CosMedix. Your specific skin concern, along with Eliza`s assessment, will help establish the most effective solution for you.

What are the possible side effects?

While the side effects of traditional peels can range from minor discomfort and inflammation to post-peel pigmentation and increased skin sensitivity, “CosMedix peels minimize such reactions through advanced ingredient technology,” says McIntosh. “It’s all in the formula.”

In addition to using chirally correct, natural ingredients, CosMedix peels contain exclusive, state-of-the-art compounds, including AGP Complex, which are designed to affect change with minimum trauma. In the case of AGP Complex, retinol—the industry’s most popular peeling ingredient—is combined with arabino-galactan protein (AGP) conjugates from red wine. By adding AGP to retinol, CosMedix is able to sidestep the ingredient’s signature irritation while delivering its full rejuvenating benefits.

Do I need to prep before a peel?

Depending on the type of peel and your skin care provider’s recommendations based on your skin assessment, pre-peel prep may or may not be required. CosMedix has developed two lines of peels based on the depth of penetration. Ranging from superficial to deep epidermal depth, Today’s Peels are designed to refresh and exfoliate the skin without prior preparation. While your physician or aesthetician may suggest additional steps based on individual needs, these gentle yet effective peels can often be applied at your convenience to help correct blemishing, skin discoloration, hypersensitivity and mild photodamage. Medium-depth dermal peels, like Tomorrow’s Peels, however, require a ten-day, at-home, pre-treatment regimen. Designed to correct the damage done yesterday, Tomorrow’s Peels are ideal for minimizing the visible signs of ageing.

What can I expect after my peel?

Post-peel recovery has typically been one of the treatment’s biggest drawbacks. Before such breakthroughs as chiral correction and metabolic peeling, a particularly unforgiving peel might mean spending weeks in a vulnerable, post-operative state. However, thanks to advancements in peel technology, you can now enjoy your rejuvenated skin sooner.

“Traditional peel recovery can take as long as one to two weeks,” explains McIntosh. “CosMedix peels range from virtually no downtime, in the case of Today’s Peels, to five to seven days for Tomorrow’s Peels.”

CosMedix further diminishes an otherwise grueling recovery process with a collection of after-care products designed to minimize post-peel side effects and reinforce the treatment’s results. In addition to providing professional UV protection—a must for any peel—these products help calm the skin, combat inflammation and neutralize skin-damaging free radicals to ensure your renewed complexion endures.

Green Peel® Herbal Peeling treatment by DR. Schrammek

The Green Peel Herbal Peeling treatment originally developed by Dr. med. Christing Schrammek-Drusio, is a clinically developed, purely plant-based method for skin peeling, used by beauticians and doctors all over the world.

This treatment is used to treat:

  • Skin impurities
  • Enlarged pores
  • Prematurely ageing skin
  • Wrinkles
  • Acne and acne scars
  • Striae (stretch marks)
  • Cellulite
  • Diminished elasticity of the stomach, upper arms and thighs.
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New skin in just 5 days!

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Skin Peels1

The GREEN PEEL® plant based formula, with its herbs, algae, minerals, enzymes and vitamins, is applied by specially trained professional skin technician using a specialized massage technique. During this massage, the micro-particles of the herbs immediately begin exfoliating and polishing the upper layers of skin. This stimulates the collagen fibres and the growth zone of the skin to produce new skin cells. At the same time it noticeably increases blood circulation in the skin and also improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the skin, while intensifying the skin metabolism. 3 days later the outer layers of the skin begin to peel.

Simply smoothing away prematurely aged, damaged or impure skin. Slipping into perfect pure, smooth and youthful skin – a dream that can actually come true, naturally.But the most unique aspect of GREEN PEEL® is not just its purely plant based formula, but rather the immediately visible results of the treatment. The GREEN PEEL® herbal peeling treatment can be repeated any number of times without harmful side effects. It can be used not only on the face but also on the back, stomach, upper arms and thighs.

Depending on the individual condition, several peeling treatments may be necessary to achieve the desired result.

  • reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • reduces pigmentation, sundamage
  • removes impurities
  • firms facial features
  • visible results in five days


Your new skin! You’ve made it! Your skin glows with a new radiance. It is essential to continue to use our long-term-tested products for the next 4 days. The effects of the GREEN PEEL® Herbal Peeling Treatment should also be reinforced “from the inside”. We therefore recommend a well balanced high vitamin diet, health lifestyle, lots of exercise in the fresh air as well as reduced, if any, smoking and alcohol consumption. If possible, try to substitute coffee with herbal teas. In addition to this, round off the results of the treatment by doing things that make you feel wonderful.

Freshen Up Green Peel treatment

Follow up treatment between peels or just for a quick fix for a special occasion.

What skin conditions are most suited to the Green Peel?

Excellent results have been achieved in cases of acne and impure skin, with improvements in the appearance of pigmentation and freckles, sun-damaged skin, lines and wrinkles, various types of scarring, stretch marks, open pores and loose skin.

Which areas can be treated?

The most commonly treated areas are the face, including the fragile skin under the eyes, the neck and decolletage as they are most exposed to the elements. Body treatments are requested for freckles, stretch marks, loose skin and the like. Most skin types can be treated, including all skin colours.

What are the ingredients in Green Peel?

The herbal peel contains no synthetic chemicals, acids or abrasives. It is a combination of selected herbs in their purest form. For example, both calendula and aloe vera for healing and soothing, and horsetail for detoxification. Along with this are algae, pansy, lungwort and spirulina.

Will I need to take time off for the treatment?

While the process takes five days, the actual visible peeling takes place over only a 24-hour period. Many clients prefer the visible peeling to coincide with the weekend.

What happens during the process?

During the facial massage the skin feels quite warm and will appear a little pink for about an hour. It is important to keep the treated area dry for the next few days to avoid premature peeling. Your therapist will give you home care products which will need to be applied each morning and night. Peeling commences on the third day, and on the fourth day the client returns to the salon for a post treatment.

What results can I expect to see?

The results are always evident after even just one treatment, with refreshed and glowing skin. It has a fresh appearance and feels soft and smooth. Pores appear much finer and fine lines may no longer be apparent. The Green Peel also has a tightening and firming effect, which is a bonus for ageing skins.

For a free consultation please call
07786 233053