Are high-tech facials a genuine alternative to going under the knife?

Are high-tech facials a genuine alternative to going under the knife?

At one stage the only alternative to growing old as nature intended was to have a facelift. Nowadays I am happy to say there are a whole range of non-invasive, non-surgical options to choose from instead, most of which have little or no recovery time too! Some may question if the latest hi-tech facials are a genuine alternative to going under the knife and here I’m going to explain why they really are a viable choice.

With over 20 years’ experience as a skin care expert and facialist I have seen huge advances in technology which have allowed the development of clever techniques to slow down the effects of ageing and restore a youthful, fresh and plump appearance to the skin. Increasingly I believe that these latest developments and new hi-tech facials can offer what both men and women are looking for – genuine alternatives to invasive surgery that can have extensive recovery times.

Instead of surgery and injections to achieve a youthful look, here are three of the very latest and most effective facials to consider:

V Shape Accent Ultra Facial
If you want a firmer more contoured look for your face and neck, this could be the option for you. This facial combines ultrasound and radio frequency technologies to ‘V Shape’ the face, designed to get rid of excess fat around the jawline and tighten facial skin. It is a pain-free, non-invasive and safe treatment for facial contouring, defining the jawline, firming a saggy neck, reducing a double chin and breaking down fatty deposits.

The ultrasound targets and disrupts fat cells but does not affect the surrounding tissue, while the radio frequency is used to heat damage collagen, triggering a natural repair response which results in thicker, firmer collagen and a tighter appearance for the skin. However, this is not a one-off treatment, to see the best results I do recommend a course of six to eight to achieve long-lasting results.

As for the results? I am seeing brilliant outcomes for clients – around the jawline and neck, as well as nose to mouth lines and also round the eyes. Aside from these great results, the added bonus of this treatment is that you can even have V Shape during your lunch break and go back to your normal routine with a new improved look.

Photo Facial or IPL Treatment
If your concern is with uneven skin tone, pigmentation, redness, age spots, broken veins and capillaries then this could be the answer to correcting them.

IPL Treatment or Photo Facial is a non-invasive and truly anti-ageing treatment that uses high intensity pulses of visible light and thermal energy to promote collagen production, improve the appearance of aged and sun-damaged skin and restore its youthful look through dramatic visible rejuvenation. A series of treatments will result in dramatic improvement of sun and age spots, broken capillaries, spider veins, rosacea, red acne scars, facial redness and fine lines and wrinkles.

This anti-ageing treatment will deliver an even skin tone, and a plumped-up and tight complexion. You will enjoy skin that looks like a blank canvas so you should not need to wear concealer and foundation to cover skin imperfections.

This treatment has limited downtime – some redness may occur immediately afterwards, like a mild sunburn, but this should go within a few hours at the most.

The Laser Face-Lift
If you are looking to plump your skin and do away with fine lines this could be the ideal treatment.

This treatment offers double benefits: the unique thermal and mainly acoustic fractional laser provides impressive, fast and painless results with little to no downtime, while acoustic remodelling of collagen is effective in the treatment of loose skin, skin rejuvenation, open pores, wrinkles and scars. I have also seen impressive results when treating melasma, the hormonal pigmentation some women suffer with.

Growing old is inevitable and for those who would like to do so without the major investment in surgery and the time to recover, these high-tech facials are a great option. They deliver a gradual long term improvement with minimum down time giving you a more fresh and youthful look with more definition.

As someone nervous about surgery, I welcome these alternatives. I’m not expecting to look ten years younger as I accept that I’m growing older, I just want to grow old looking my best with an even tone and glowing skin.

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